"Far from home" for four trombones and orchestra premiered
Feeling a bit blurry like this picture and in the gentle grip of mild postpartum depression after the premiere of Far from home two days ago, I miss my hard-working quartet collaborators in this intense project, Jürgen Schaal, Ilja Danilov, and Jonas Becker. They played fantastically, as did the Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, who along with the maestro Mario Venzago, were so precise, supportive, and enthusiastic. A composer-performer could not ask for a better situation. I was so lucky, I should be ashamed of myself. Instead, I am just grateful. Recording to follow...
Are we not all quietly hopeful for and curiously digressing from and persistently searching for and ambitiously progressing towards and lightly deviating from and insistently striving towards and steadily expanding from and stubbornly confronting with and repeatedly attempting to find a hopefully redeeming place we can call home?
Far from home
persistently searching
curiously digressing
ambitiously progressing
lightly deviating
insistently striving
repeatedly attempting
quietly hopeful
steadily expanding
stubbornly confronting
hopefully redeeming
Far from home is for those who are quietly hopeful for, curiously digressing from, persistently searching for, ambitiously progressing towards, lightly deviating from, insistently striving towards, steadily expanding, stubbornly confronting with, and repeatedly attempting to find a hopefully redeeming place we can call home.