new opera "Adam und Eva" commissioned
So now it is official: Anne-May Krüger and I are writing an opera entitled Adam und Eva to be premiered at the Schwetzinger Festspiele on May 2nd, 2025 in collaboration with the Landestheater Linz. Anne-May Krüger is done with the libretto, the production team is coming together piece by piece, and I am just about to start fleshing out our perspective on paradise.
Everyone has an idea about Adam and Eve, but I bet our view is not what you are expecting, even if you know the play from Peter Hacks our version is based. Asked to put what the opera is about in a nutshell, I would say „no risk, no fun“ could sum it up. The elevator pitch is a bit longer. Our version has a strong dialectical core, that goes something like this (paraphrasing Peter Hacks) and quoting from Anne-May’s libretto: Den Sinn des Worts erfüllen, heißt: ihn übertreffen und so auch nicht erfüllen. (To fulfill the meaning of the word is: to surpass it and so also not fulfill it.) More soon …