Violine Concerto and Snare Drum Concerto premiered in Berlin
Yesterday in Berlin: The premiere of two new works for the oh-so-talented and oh-so-dedicated oh-so-exciting Concept Store Quartet. When I hear music, I see abstract forms and when I see abstract art, I hear sounds. Maybe many people do? The titles of the movements give an idea of where these two pieces are coming from and going.
In the Violine Concerto (2020) for Alicja Pilarczyk: „A dehydrated, pulverized, and then reconstituted (with lumps) 1903 recording of Joseph Joachim playing Brahms's Hungarian Dance No. 1“, „Isaac Stern speaking in 1999 about the founding of the National Endowment of Arts seen through a thick layer of nostalgia's sweet molasses“ and „The Hupfeld Phonoliszt-Violina playing Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2, frozen, broken in shards, and randomly reassembled“. And the Snare Drum Concerto (2021)for Jeanne Larrouturou: „Wilted recitatives revitalized“, „A Kotsuzumi and Kagkegoe sandwich dipped in cultural appropriation“, „‚John Lennon thunderclouds with Yoko Ono lightning bolts“.